Then I drove down to S.J. yesterday afternoon to pick up Jeremy, who was in town to see his Kings play the Sharks. So got him at the hotel, then headed to The Brit to meet up with Desiree and Rick (who had just come from the S.J. Stealth game), and Heidi and her friend Anne. We had a nice dinner out on the patio, even if it was a little chilly. And if I say it's chilly, it really is. The outdoor heaters weren't cooperating. Then we walked down to the Tank and met up with Sarah. The Sharks squeaked out a win at the last minute in the shootout. WooHoo!!
Afterwords we (Desiree, Sarah, Rick, Jeremy and I) checked out O'Flaherty's, but the people were packed in like sardines, so back to The Brit we went. Got a spot at one of the nice new outdoor tables they have, which are awesome. And had a few drinks and laughs until about 1:30am. Then back to the hotel to hop on the lobby PCs for a few minutes. I stayed up up until about 3:30am in the room watching some Rick Steves' Europe video podcasts I have never gotten around to watching. This morning I just slept in until Check Out, since Desiree and Jeremy flew out to San Diego this morning.
Next weekend will be even crazier as we're meeting up with a ton of people on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a Sharks practice, dinner, lunch, 2 games and drinks. Can't wait.
Just a couple of pics...

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