Friday, March 6, 2009

Nala, Nala, Nala

So Nala had a vet appointment today. All went well, she just needed some shots. The vet said there is a slight irregularity in her heartbeat, but said it wasn't a murmur. He didn't seem too concerned right now, so neither am I. She is starting to show her age a bit. Her hearing isn't what it was, and I can tell her hips bother her when she jumps on things. But she is a very active 13 year old. Her favorite thing (besides playing ball and getting treats) is to sit in the windowsill of my front window. To do this, she had to first jump up on the couch. After that, she has to scale the back of the couch. Then she lays down in the windowsill behind the couch and watches the world go by. Silly dog. So I figure she isn't all that old yet since she can do that. However, she is 13, and I have never altered her diet since she she switched from Puppy Chow to Dog Chow. So figured that I would consider her a senior now and bought some new food today. I was already giving her a vitamin every day as well as a joint supplement, but just replenished the supply as well. So all is good with my 13 year old puppy :-)

And here she is, partially in the window. She wouldn't lay down in her spot on command however.

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