The service was really beautiful tonight. My mom and I got there early because we knew that parking would get insane. Because he was a former Eagle Scout, there were Eagle Scouts standing around the entrance directing you to the tables to fill out the condolence cards. And even a bunch of local rugby players, that he was once part of, all dressed in their jerseys helping out where needed. There was almost a full room off people (in the seats) already when we got there. But as it got closer to 5pm, the room filled up significantly. And they even took out rows of long tables inside that had food on them to accommodate more standing room. There were about 6 speakers who pretty much just told personal stories from the hilarious, to the moving. They were co-workers at the Rec Dept in Piedmont, one of his best friends from high school, family friends and even a fellow officer and roommate who was the first one to make me cry when he broke down. But for the most part it was very uplifting and very much a celebration of his life.
After the service we walked outside and I was surprised to see the courtyard filled with hundreds more people, including probably 40 or so police officers. Some officers came from as far as Las Vegas to show their support. They had set up speakers outside so everyone could hear the service whether they made it inside or not. I wiggled my way back inside just to go give his sister (and my friend) Anne a hug and let her know I had come to support her. It was good to see her, but under the wost of circumstances. I knew I would have regretted not going, so I'm happy I went to show my support. There were many other former schoolmates and even a former teacher of mine there as well. So it was very nice to see support that her whole family received.
Well said. I am glad we attended. What a tragedy for those families! I don't know what I'd do if you (my child) died.