Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blogging, Social Networking sites, etc...

It's funny... back in the day of caring about MySpace, I used to blog all the time. Random crap that came to my head every day. Now I log onto my MySpace personal account maybe 2-3 times a month. It's really "out of site out of mind". Funny that one social networking site can just take over for another like that. I remember when I hated FB when it was new, and was so loyal to MS. LOL. Not anymore. Anyway, when that realization happened, I started this site to blog on instead of on MS. But now I just forget to do it. Not like I have anything of importance to say. But it used to be about my day, my feelings, what was going on, etc. Well, maybe I'll have to get back to that. It was a nice release back then just to get stuff out.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way about MS. LOL! Facebook is just so much neater to use.

    You should get back into blogging here! It's probably a good stress reliever!

    I'd read :)

