Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hockey has finally arrived... and other stuff...

After a LONG off-season of trying to scour the internet for anything and everything Sharks, the season is finally here. And things with the team are finalized for the most part. A good handful of players are gone (including my favorite guy), and we have a bunch of new faces that I only know about by name. So this is a new season, and a new team. I'm anxious for them to get started tomorrow night and see what they can do. I purchased a couple of new Sharks items this summer, but done with the splurging for now. The shirt I found on eBay and thought it was cool, and the jersey I bought the day JR retired. Miss you already JR. Oh, and went to the Teal and White game (Thanks Sarah's co-worker!!), and that was a great way to start getting pumped for the season.

Other than that, not up to much. My cousin and his fiancee are getting married in February. So that has been the talk of the family lately. We went this last Saturday dress shopping for her, and she found the one. It is GORGEOUS!!! And she looks gorgeous in it. I happened to be poking around online looking for dresses for me to wear at the wedding, and I found one. It came in the mail a week or so ago, and I think it's a keeper. One less thing to worry about.

And it's been almost exactly 5 months since my Mom and Step-Dad left for their 5th annual summer jaunt up the coast of B.C. and Alaska. They will be getting the boat back to it's final resting place for the Winter, on Saturday. Then they will be home within the week after sometime. It'll be nice to have them back.

That's it for now... I haven't blogged in so long that I'm not sure of everything I wanted to say. But that's the download from my brain for now :-)

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