Saturday, July 25, 2009
Inside Ford’s Terror to Outside Ford’s Terror
So I woke up this morning to sunshine… amazing. And too funny because 2 years ago when I was here and my Step-Bro came with me, the same thing happened. We entered Ford’s Terror to a downpour and woke up the next day to sunshine. And I felt a little queasy when I woke up this morning, but 90% better than last night. We watched eagles fly around as we had cream of wheat for breakfast, and some chamomile tea for myself. Easy on the stomach. By mid-day the sun started to go away, but still warmer here at 63 degrees than it has been. We decided to take the dinghy down and go over to this gorgeous waterfall we saw on the way in. I just have to go get my warm clothes on. We also had to plan our itinerary for the next few days. Tonight will be our second to last night anchoring, and then 2 nights back in Juneau. Booo!!! We are on the downswing of the trip. Today we will play around in here, then pass Ford’s Terror passage between 4-5pm at high tide, then weather depending, go kayaking on the other side by the waterfalls. Then tomorrow start our day around 7am and head to Dawes Glacier. See that and then head back to Tracy Arm Cove for our last night anchoring out tomorrow. There was this sailboat in the bay when we exited Ford’s Terror and it looked like they were debating entering Ford’s Terror because of the way they were going around the bay. My Aunt and I hopped in the kayaks and were heading to this waterfall in the cove, which was past their boat. So we yelled Hello and asked if they were entering, but they said they couldn’t find the entrance and it was too late now because of the tide. So we continued along our way and headed toward the waterfall, but the tides were iffy so we turned around. Then there were some icebergs in the bay, so we paddled over to a few of them to get up close and personal and take pictures. We also saw a seal or 2 that kept popping up all over. After about an hour and 15 mins we headed back to the boat. When we got there, the couple from the sailboat had come on board and they were all visiting. They are from Switzerland and originally sailed from Europe, across the Atlantic and made their way to Hawaii, Canada and Alaska. Now they leave their boat here, and fly home every winter to work. They were telling the story about entering Alaska one time, and the humorous hassle with customs. And they said “Well I guess Canada is pretty lenient about people growing pot, and apparently they smuggle it on Swiss sailboats.” They were joking and it was pretty funny. The also told of their 19 day trip last year from New Zealand to the South Pacific. Interesting stuff. Then tonight was leftover night, and let’s just say that I won’t be eating last night’s leftovers in fear of getting sick again. After dinner we watched ‘Bedtime Stories’ which was cute. And we are anchored right next to a waterfall so I am listening to that as I type. I just went outside a few minutes ago and actually saw stars for the first time this trip, cool! Now tomorrow we leave at 7am, although I doubt I’ll be up that early.

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