Friday, October 1, 2010

Redding - Day 3

Got up at 9:15am again so we could be out of the house by 10:30am to go kayaking. We had to load the kayaks in the car, then meet up with Pam's friend Claudette. She packed up 2 kayaks in her car, then we went to Holiday Market to pick up deli sandwiches for lunch. Then just a short drive to Whiskeytown Lake. We got there and unloaded, then had to inflate the 2 inflatables. Then we packed up our gear, lunch, etc and launched from the boat ramp by Noon. We headed in one direction where there is this metal tube in the water that you can paddle through. There is just a small cove on the other side. A handful of ducks became our new friends and followed us around. Then we spotted 3 turtles on a log, very cute. We headed back through the tube and shortly after the ducks flew over to meet us. We rounded a corner into another cove and watched a blue heron fly from tree to tree for a while. After a while we were hungry so we went over to this beach, pulled up onto shore and unloaded lunch onto a picnic table. Not long after, 2 of the ducks found us again and hung out waiting for food. Which we obliged. So we hung out and ate for about 30 mins, put our feet in the water to cool down, and just take some pictures. Then we paddled across the lake and back to the boat ramp at about 3:30pm. We deflated the 2 kayaks and packed up the car and got on our way around 4pm. We decided to just go directly to the Sundial Bridge again instead of heading home first. So we did and took a bunch of day time pictures before heading back. On our way into the Turtle Bay area though, we looked across the intersection and saw about 5 cows/steers running across the road with 3 white trucks following close behind. They headed towards this fence line on the right and luckily didn't run down the freeway off ramp side of the fence.

We headed back to the house and had BBQ'd steak, with pasta and veggies this time. We sat around for a while telling old family stories and such for a while, then Don went to bed. My Aunt, Pam and I moved outside with our wine and continued to get a little tipsy. Then we decided to take some silly pictures. We had a really nice evening chatting and laughing. At one point they asked me what time it was and I said 2am, to a reaction of "WHAT?!?!?!" out of both of their mouths. So we all headed to bed.

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