I babysat (and doggy sat) for my friend's kids from yesterday afternoon until this afternoon. Nicky (one week shy of 6 yrs) and Abby (7 yrs). So at least they are at an interactive age and could help me out when I needed to know where things were, have them dress themselves for bed, etc. I have always been Auntie to them. So we had a lot of fun... Abby doing fashion show, Nicky building a book castle for his toy cars, playing in the hose in the back yard, going to the park twice, going out for pizza and watching 2 movies until 11:30pm (I'm a nice Auntie :-) ) It was pretty fun filled.

The bad...
What the hell is wrong with the Sharks? Coming off the best record in the league and can't get a break against the Ducks? I'm not knocking the Ducks in general, as they are obviously a good team with an unusually good goalie right now. But their play wasn't up to their normal standard this season like in previous. So why do we now start to lose against them? UGH!!! 2 losses down and 2-5 games left to play depending on how this all plays out. But I'm staying optimistic for now.
The ugly...
What is up with this heat? It was at least 90-92 degrees where I was this weekend, and playing around at a park, etc in that just sucked for me. I am a mild to cool weather person, that's what I like. So when we have these heat waves, I hate it. Now if I was back in Hawaii with an ocean and swimming pool at my disposal 24/7, no problem :-)
I can't believe how big those kids are getting!