In my dream, I received a voicemail from one of my oldest friends while out and about. It was kind of vague, but she said something about her Dad had a project he was working on, and needed some help. He knew I was available, and wanted to see if I could come help him for 2 weeks. He lives in Maryland, and I in California. Well… jump in time, I am in D.C. at his business which is a massive corporate building. He was telling me stuff about needing to package up soil samples that were going to be shipped off and other things I needed to do. They had a very large staff there and each person was classified by a number. Then went by name, but this was sort of a mark of level of intelligence and experience. And they wore these numbers on their shirts, which were brown and black. The guy he introduced me to, Michael, was a number 396. I didn’t get it fully explained to me, but one thing I remember was that he was in a group that could complete a Rubik’s Cube in a certain amount of time. There were two 396 people and the other was a woman. These were the two I would be working closest with. And I remember Michael having dark hair and was really good looking. And he had a girlfriend, who happened to be around, and she was bitching and complaining about the work he had to do. I would have been fine if he wanted to break up with her ;-)
Then sort of unrelated to the work I was there to do, the dream sort of turned into a fight scene. I was standing near the door to leave the building, and a ton of people were running to flee. They were employees with numbers on their shirts as well, but their shirts were more of a rust color. I’m not sure who they were, except the “bad guys”. Me and a few other people seemed to get crazy strength, and were able to hit and knock down a ton of them before they hit the door. I was even able to flip one person over and throw them at the feet of another, and knocked him down in kind of a bowling ball effect.
Well, that’s pretty much what I remember, and have no clue what it means. I do tend to have vivid dreams every once in a while. Random.
And the 396 shirt looked like this:
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