Thursday, November 27, 2008


So, I've been watching CNN off and on about this hostage situation, bombings, explosions, the blood... in India tonight and in recent days.

(Excuse forth coming language...)

What the fuck is up with these assholes?!?!?!?!?! I just can't fathom the mind that it takes to come up with these horrific acts of violence. Of course we don't know the outcome yet and what their "mission" is. But who the hell cares. Not saying this is any worse than all the Embassy attacks around the globe or any other act of violence. But it's been a while since such an act had taken over the media in such a way. It just pisses me off to no end... which then just results in sadness. And it's horrible that it comes on such a day such as Thanksgiving for us. It just angers me so much and I just had to vent that.

*Stating the obvious here*

There are some fucking psychos out there in the world between this, all the civil wars in Africa, and everywhere else. I think of all those psychos in the U.S., and although they are 100% horrific as well... how would our lives be different today if we had bombings of hotels, massive hostage situations, suicide bombings of anywhere and everywhere??? I just can't even imagine. It's just a very sad and scary thought. I just need to turn off the news.

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