Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another random dream last night...

I was at my friend’s house in the Bay Area, and we were hanging in a back family room. There was all of a sudden a roar in the air. Kinda like when it’s stormy and planes fly at lower altitude, only louder. Then I started noticing the clouds were swirling and not looking quite right. Then a tornado emerged. We all freaked out. I ran toward the center of the house to a doorway. I sat on the floor in the doorway and wrapped my arms and legs around the wall. Then the house gets picked up and we started spinning. I remember feeling a little dizzy.

Then all of a sudden we stopped. We looked outside and the house had landed in the middle of some street. I remember having an iPad, or similar device, and looked up where we were on the GPS. We ended up in some small town East of Reno in the middle of Nevada. No one seemed too phased by a house landing on their street, which led me to believe that the tornado went through this town too. We started wandering around a bit. Then people started setting up booths selling T-shirts and what not. I remember complaining that people were trying to capitalize on a natural disaster. We wandered back to the house to find about 12 people dressed like hippies had taken over the property. It was like something out of the show ‘The Colony’ where they were protecting a property for themselves during a disaster. I just remember thinking that I hadn’t even grabbed my purse on the way out the door. I wandered around town a little more, but that’s all I remember.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Restaurant and Mansion Dream

I was staying at a friend’s house, and was woken up by her babysitter (who I had never met) telling me that she had to leave for a while and I had to watch the kids. Well there were about 5 kids, not all my friend's, that ranged in age from about 2-6. So I had to get up and watch these very active kids. They were running around doing every craft imaginable, eating all sorts of things, and making a big mess.

I ended up out on the street in from of this pub sort of restaurant. Turns out it is owned by my old friend Andrea. I was chatting with a few people out front about the fact that there was a power outage on this and a few other blocks. One of the girls was also telling me that a couple of blocks up was this gas station that in this movie we all knew (which I think wasn’t a real movie I’ve seen in reality), the main character proposed to the other main character. I thought that was cool and wanted to see it, but never did.

We ended up inside the restaurant and the place was filling up with customers. They all knew there was a power outage and that we weren’t officially opening until the power came back on. But guess they were alerted that it was going to be soon, and they started getting antsy. I wasn’t really there to work, I was just a friend of the owners and was visiting or something. But there seemed to be a lot of employees running in and out of the kitchen like chickens with their heads cut off. They were trying to get things prepped, but were still waiting to get the power back so they could start cooking and stuff. Then Andrea’s Mom showed up and was trying to calm everyone down. I think she managed the place. I never did see what happened there.

I was suddenly back at my friend’s house. Not her real life house, but this made up, beautiful mansion. It was this very modern, white mansion with all clean square lines. There was a large pool outside the large plate glass windows out front. But there were also sprawling grounds with manicured lawns, another huge pool away from the house and a hot tub that could seat about 20 people. There were lots of people coming and going, some I knew, and some I didn’t. There was apparently going to be some huge party there that night. My old co-worker Jason, and his wife were there. And also a bunch of old college friends, like Adam and Bill. This group of friends and I were chatting in this one room for a long time, and they kept trying to point out to me people I may know. People were still coming and going, as I got the vibe that any and all people were welcome there and people just showed up whenever to hang out. At one point this very beautiful and shapely woman walked by the window and Adam ogled her. I jokingly asked if he was still married, and he held up his hand to show his wedding ring. Then he jokingly said, “I can still look.”. At one point I was out front just watching a handful of people heading down to the larger pool and hot tub further away from the house, and just had to ask someone for clarification, “Exactly whose house is this?” and they confirmed, Jennifer. How I didn’t know that since I was staying there, I’m not sure. Then I basically headed up the large staircase to the room I was staying in, to get ready for the party.

Then I woke up. I didn’t get to see how the party turned out.