2 things...
Firstly... Earlier this week, I was reacquainted with one of my Uncles on Facebook when he found me on there. He was the Uncle that I was closest too (on my Dad's side), although haven't been close since I was in high school. And only seen him in passing since then. And even then, it's been probably 5+ years since I have seen him. My best memories of him (which may be skewed and not completely accurate, as it's been so long) are him taking my half brother, step sister and I to get ice cream and all the toppings at the grocery store when we were younger, as a non-parent would spoil their relative. Also getting to drive with him in a parking lot, me driving, long before I could legally do so. Then some vague memories of him at my Grandfather's house when he ran his radio station there (think it was out of the house?). And then when I was a freshman in high school, I threw a party at my Dad's house with all of my friends and he DJ'd the party. Random memories, I know. But there you have it. But anyway, we chatted online tonight for a while and decided to get together for dinner tomorrow night (Thurs). He is in touch with my cousin, which is another Uncle's daughter. So she, he, my Dad and I are going to have dinner together. And she I haven't seen since she was a kid, and is now in her early 20s? Hope we have a good time.
Secondly... At my house, or should say at my Dad's house next door, he has a handful of friends that he lets crash. And most of them have cars, and a lot part behind me in the driveway. Meaning that when I need to go somewhere, half the time I need to track someone down next door to move their car so I can get out. I find it annoying, they all have their moments when I want to chew them out, but for the most part they are nice people. But guess I have had my moments over time where my buttons have been pushed to the limit and I have chewed them out for being disrespectful jerks (to put it nicely). So this is not the first time I have noticed this, but... I go next door tonight to actually ask my Dad if he wants to do dinner tomorrow night. And one of his buddies was in the living room with him and immediately jumps up and asks "Did I park to close to you, do you need to get out?". All in urgency to move his car to let me out if need be. 1. It's very nice they there is this sort of urgency and respect of me that they know what they need to do. 2. I find it humorous that the urgency seems to be sort stemmed from fear. I think deep down, they know I have a lot of control over whether they continue to get to mooch off of my Dad. So it's nice, yet funny at the same time.