Ever since I was little, people around me said that everyone dreams they are flying at one point or another. And until last night I never had... at least not that I remember. But in my dream last night I was in this area of rolling hills and was with a group of people. I think it was some amateur film/acting scenario because at one point I was holding a video camera. But we ended up on this very high plateau and were filming up there. I remember looking down over the edge at some point and was kind of freaked out because it was a long way down. I'm not afraid of heights, in real life or my dream, but the cliff was so drastic that I was afraid I'd fall off.
But then at some point I ended up with some sort of wings attached to my back and had grips to hold onto. I never really had a good look at the device, but remember it being on the small side. Not anything like a hang glider. And with this device I just stepped off the edge and soared. I was really high up as the wind kept carrying me. I could see my friends on that plateau looking like ants. and I just flew above all the rolling hills and it was beautiful. I remember having a nervous excited feeling as I was up there, but I was having too much fun. Then my fear was how to get down without crashing. I made my way down slowly, but at the end I landed a little abruptly, but I was ok. It was a lot of fun.
Now I know I personally wasn't flying myself, and was using a contraptions. So not sure if that counts for a "flying dream". But It was technically the first one where I was soaring high above the land. Too cool!!